The Obama and Biden Administrations have had an incomprehensible relationship with Iran. Obama famously entered into the JCPOA, otherwise known as the Iran Nuclear Deal. This deal set a timeline for Iran to develop nuclear capabilities.
Now, allowing the biggest state sponsor of terrorism to develop a nuclear weapon doesn’t seem like such a good idea to begin with. But worse, in return for Iran following this slow-walk to nuclear capability, the Obama Administration and our UN counterparts agreed to release $100 billion of Iran’s frozen assets and return their money. Iran was also allowed to export more of its oil.
You know, to friendly places like Russia.
Then, when Donald Trump took office, our Iran policy changed. In one of his first acts as president, Trump temporarily banned immigration from Iran. The Trump Administration also claimed that Iran had violated the agreement and initiated a maximum pressure campaign against Iran, essentially ending the nuclear deal.
Then Biden Administration came into power, and things got… weird.
Biden pardoned Iranian agent Kaveh Lotfolah Afrasiabi, who had been arrested for violating FARA as part of a lopsided prisoner exchanged agreement.
He agreed to send $10 billion to Iran in exchange for prisoner swaps and claimed that the money would be used for humanitarian relief (right)
Biden agreed to release $6 billion in frozen assets from Iran from countries such as South Korea
He allowed Robert Malley, an Iran sympathizer to set up his own team within the State Department. Some of the people on his staff could charitably be described as Iranian agents.
When Malley got busted, he seemingly got a pass and a nice gig at Princeton and Yale. That’s no accident.
The Biden Administration’s responses to direct attacks on American servicemen and the proxy attack on Israel have been tepid to say the least.
It seemed like the more concessions that Biden and Blinken made, the worse Iran behaved. There were missiles fired at shipping in the Strait of Hormuz, Iran threatened to close the Persian Gulf, Iran was racing towards nuclear capabilities. In fact, Antony Blinken stated in July that, “Iran, because the nuclear agreement was thrown out, instead of being at least a year away from having the breakout capacity of producing fissile material for a nuclear weapon, is now probably one or two weeks away from doing that.”
(Antony Blinken — besties with Robert Malley, currently under FBI investigation)
And yet, we’ve never heard a peep about this statement since! Antony, how about a little follow-up? Do they have a nuke NOW?
Joe, Antony: You’re letting Iran run amok. What, exactly, is the US game plan?
Biden seems to be paying good money and international credibility to allow Iran to increase its bellicosity. What is the end game here? Many pundits can’t put their finger on the goals of the Biden administration.
Perhaps the tin foil helmet that I made from devoured chocolate Santas may be having an effect, but could it be that an increase in Iranian bellicosity is the goal of the Biden Administration.
Let’s look at an old interview that may shed some light on the situation. In 2007 on a speaking tour, General Wesley Clark detailed an alleged plan from the Pentagon, days after September 11th, to invade or overthrow governments in seven countries: Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. Clark professed shock at the plan, but didn’t doubt his source.
And what has been done since?
Iraq was invaded by US troops and Saddam was overthrown. That is despite there being little to no relationship to Al-Qaeda or the 9/11 attacks. And as we all now know, weapons of mass destruction that were the impetus for the war were never found.
US Troops were placed in Sudan. The longtime President of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir, was eventually overthrown in a coup and a government more friendly to the United States was installed. This new government initiated diplomatic relations with Israel and agreed to pay the US for past terror related crimes.
A revolution against Libyan strongman Momar Qaddafi was promoted by the United States. With the help of American airpower, the longtime dictator was overthrown and killed. We bet regret over his agreement to end his weapons of mass destruction program at American insistence was one of the last thoughts that went through his mind.
The United States initiated Operation Timber Sycamore to aid anti-Assad rebels in Syria. Some of those groups were recently involved in the current coup in that country. The US and Israel are certainly behind some of those groups currently occupying the government.
In October of 2019 a series of events led to protests in Lebanon. The protests grew and the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri abdicated his position. Longtime State Department apparatchik Victoria Nuland visited the country to help select a new Prime Minister.
In Somalia, the Islamic Courts Union gained control of the country. By 2006 they controlled the entire nation and defeated a group of counterinsurgents backed by the United States. They set up an Islamic state that maintained strict control over the populace. The United States backed an overthrow of the Islamist government by Ethiopia. The US has been providing military backing to ensure the Islamist forces do not regain power.
If you do the math, six out of the seven countries on Wesley Clark’s list have had their governments overthrown. That region is not known for its stability, but that is a remarkable track record.
Let’s be clear: We’re not shedding too many tears for any of these ousted regimes. One was worse than the next.
But after the disastrous results in Iraq and Afghanistan, the people of the United States would be hard-pressed to support another military action anywhere in the world, but particularly the Middle East. It would take some serious bad behavior on the part of Iran for the United States to justify a serious military action.
Serious bad behavior like attacking American troops or manufacturing a nuclear weapon.
So what’s the point?
Simply this: Now, in the waning days of the Biden regime, the administration is suddenly floating a story that an attack on Iran may be necessary. Great timing, ensuring Trump has a major mess to clean up in order to realize his promises of a return to more peaceful times.
And the most ironic thing about this story? It appears to be Joe Biden that is leading this charge. You know, the guy The Wall Street Journal just exposed as a figurehead that was always mentally compromised. The guy looking to do something to burnish his disastrous presidency.
(“Hey, Jill — call that Austin guy. Feels like a good day to invade!”)
Is this all going according to plan? It’s a conspiracy theory that the Deep State would be proud of.
We have two weeks to see. Folks, it could all still go very, very bad.
I don't think Obama anymore. I think that ship sailed with switching Joe out for Kamala. But to answer your question: I wish I knew. Some 25-year old with a "Co-Exist" sticker on her Prius.... Or maybe the military. I would go so far as to question the validity of these pardons and commutations he's been issuing. I don't think Biden is actually signing them.
As an Iranian, who actually wants to “bomb Iran” in an intelligent way..
I have to warn you that the Israeli at their best government are still worse than the Iranians that are worst government
If the world is nuked, the Iranians will not be pressing the button