Happy 4th of July to everyone! Enjoy the day.
Just wanted to get a quick message on the importance of The Declaration in today’s America.
On this date in 1776 this country declared its independence and formulated the principles on which the United States aspired to. Thomas Jefferson articulated the reasons New England farmers had started fighting the year before and combined them with a blend of philosophies to create a document which stands as a beacon of freedom for oppressed people around the world.
The United States has not always lived up to the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence but has been on a steady road to fulfill them throughout its history. It is important that Americans stand up for these ideals and this country. The United States, like all countries and all people, is not perfect, but it is great.
Today, there are a lot of people who look to destroy anyone or anything that does not fit into their idea of “perfect” or does not agree wholeheartedly with their ideology. This is a dangerous philosophy that can only lead us down a road to oppression. It is critical that all Americans remind themselves that we are united by the ideals of The Declaration despite our differences of opinion. Today of all days, remember that we are all Americans and celebrate the country that we are blessed with.
Happy Independence Day from The Ops Desk. Stay Safe!