Yes, The Biggest Presidential Scandal Ever
Somebody other than Joe Biden has been running our country ALL ALONG
There have been no shortage of presidential-level scandals in American history… but certainly in the modern era, there has never been one as deep and sustained as this one.
As we are on the verge of a new administration, consider: In the run-up to the 2020 election, Joe Biden routinely “called a lid” on appearances early in the morning — meaning he would not be appearing publicly that day. Famously, he ran his campaign from his basement. And when he did appear, he seemed only marginally more engaged than he has in recent years.
Then came the infamous debate with Donald Trump — at which point even the Democratic party and their handmaiden, the legacy media, had to call a lid of their own on the prospect of a second Biden term. He was just too compromised.
And now this.
If you have not seen it yet, click the below.
Speaker Johnson has nothing to gain from this story at this point. Nor is he a person given to hyperbole or drama. You can see he is even uncomfortable relating the story.
Readers — we have all been played. For four years. Joe Biden has not been the president. From things I have heard and read, there has been a cadre of three or four people around him who have been making the calls. Three or four people who no one elected.
And Jill Biden wanted him to run again?
To me, this calls into question pretty much anything Biden signed — including not only this pause on LNG exports, but his recent commutations of federal inmates on death row.
Our media got the laptop wrong; COVID wrong; Crossfire Hurricane wrong… we could go on. But those pale in comparison to their collusion with the Democratic party in hiding the fact that Joe Biden has not been making the calls.
And it’s been that way for ALL FOUR YEARS.
And the irony: it is no accident that this story broke on perhaps the most powerful substack out there — Bari Weiss’s The Free Press. Yet another coffin nail for the lockstep national media.
Congrats to The Free Press. As for the legacy media… it’s only fitting that someone who broke with your orthodoxy is helping to bury you.
Speaking on behalf of the American people for whom you’ve shown so little respect: it’s all you deserve.
Inauguration Follies
So — myriad theories are floating around as to why the Trump inauguration has been moved indoors. Some don’t bear repeating (“he’s afraid of a small crowd!” Please). But aside from the weather issue — which does look pretty dire — we do have to consider the safety challenges. Ask yourself this:
In light of our first story, above: Would you trust the Biden Secret Service? Their track record hasn’t exactly been stellar.
And in light of the fact that we don’t seem capable of interdicting drones all over the east coast…!
Readers, this is FAR from the most unusual circumstance in U.S. inauguration history…. click below for this week’s Sunday Ops Report on that and more!
Speaking Of Irony…
Thought we would just point out that, as the Democrats in committee attempted (lamely) to attack Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Justice, Pam Bondi… Biden’s current DOJ was busy doing this:
So, a leader in MS-13, who is implicated in seven murders. SEVEN. Two of them high school girls. And the death penalty — which is legal federally — comes off the table.
So now Jairo Saenz gets to live until he dies in prison or some other “progressive” decides to let him out someday. All while retaining his capability of running his crew from prison.
AG Bondi: get this guy into isolation in Supermax. Send the bill for 50 years of care-and-feeding to Adam Schiff’s office.
(Senator Adam Schiff — carrying on the great tradition of Harry Reid)
Pardon Me?
At this writing, Joe Biden has yet to (publicly) pardon his brother James. Most observers — including this writer — expected it by now. So: Is it possible to pardon someone in secret?
According to the reporting, it’s a definite… maybe. Essentially, such a pardon would have to be witnessed by reliable people, and verifiable; and yet it would still have a “constitutional cloud” over it, as the constitution doesn’t lay out details, and there is no case law on this.
So there is at least a chance that James Biden and others are walking around with signed pardons in-pocket — along with videotape of Joe Biden signing and endorsing them safely locked away as proof if/when needed.
Don’t put it past them.
In a little-noticed decision that is either evidence of the Trump effect (aka, the rebirth of common sense) or of good lawyering, a major legal settlement is set to rock the climate-change industry.
During the fever-dream Biden years, numerous major corporations got caught up in the virtue-signaling sweepstakes, abdicating their responsibility to their employees and shareholders in favor of “ESG” investments — that is, those based on environmental, social, and governance (as opposed to profits).
These schemes shortchanged their stakeholders and showed no evidence of impacting “climate change” (or whatever they’re calling it these days) an iota.
Now comes this landmark decision, which resulted when an American Airlines pilot sued the airline for allowing Black Rock, generally considered the largest asset manager in the world, to manage employee retirement assets using ESG criteria.
So: Will the decision come to stand for the wider prospect that public companies have to adhere to their fiduciary duty to their stockholders? And make decisions based on profit instead of the virtue-signalling of some billionaire CEO?
Which, by the way, Black Rock is known for?
It sure looks that way.
American Airlines hasn’t appealed yet… but I’m buying oil stocks.
And finally…
Buh-bye, Mr. President. You’ve, eh, done enough.
In fact — more than enough.
If some are so happy to refer to DJT as "Convicted Felon Donald Trump" what phrase can we use, in polite company, for e.g. "Pardoned ______________ Liz Cheney" etc. I've got the not so polite company phrases sorted out.
What about Panama ?