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good review chris !. . . . , spencer tracy was a treasure, ...best written things about him , i found, were in kat hepburn's auto-bio . ( same can be said about gilda radner,.... read gene wilder's auto bio and u get more of a flavor for the zany whipsmart comedienne who charmed us in the 80s. . . . alas, like david bowie and many others however, she never gave up the cigarettes , and that surely did her no fasvors in the end. ) Back to S.T. ; my fave of his, of all time : PEOPLE AGAINST O'HARA. ... ...also hard to find , i thought, but paul m, seemed to be able to locate it easily , , , , , it is well worth the search . and u r correct, in re : BLACK ROCK : that IS a strong supporting cast . .... borgnine ? marvin? and the 'easy on the eyes' francis ? . . .all v.v. good. . . . . a highly textured & meaningful motion picture with a lot of the details well sketched out, and yet, still kept within a precise a p p r o p r i a t e length.

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