The USSS job one is protecting POTUS period. POTUS sets the perimeters and the Service complies. If they don’t comply with POTUS or his political staff demands… you’ll find yourself off the WH detail and doing credit card fraud cases in Cleveland.

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I'm not law enforcement and this is not meant to be a snarky comment. I have been in the position of risking everything to do what I could to right an injustice in the criminal justice system. If it was me,, Cleveland would be better than selling my soul to the devil. Better than losing my integrity. How do they justify keeping their mouths shut? How do they sleep at night?

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It's sad. I love the Service people. Worked with a ton of them, and they were great (didn't love one or two of their bosses, but that goes for my former organization as well). But the way I see it, there are two possibilities here: incompetence or a cover-up (POTUS-ordered or not). As I said, as I respect USSS... That's not an easy job. So I am voting the latter. Another case that will just disappear, along with the SCOTUS leak, Crossfire Hurricane/Durham report, DOJ's handling of the infamous laptop, etc. And they wonder why we grow cynical?

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