The democrats have caused sky high violent crime rates to happen by implementing these six policies.

First: No cash bail, the criminal that raped, robbed, looted or murdered will be out on the street before the police officer can even start the paper work.

Second: Defunding the police, fewer cops to keep law and order puts the criminals in charge of the streets.

Third: To get even more cops off the force the vaccine mandates is coming back for all police. Even if the officer had and recovered from Covid and has 27 times the protection that a vaccine could offer that must get the jab or be fired.

Fourth: Democrats have made it clear to everyone that they have a laissez faire attitude to violent crime. They really don’t care if people, little people to them, are raped, stabbed, shot, robbed or murdered they have private security.

Fifth: The Democrat DA’s have made a point not to prosecute any violent crime or plea bargain it down the case to a something less than a slap on the wrist.

Six: The release of one third to all the convicted armed robbers, rapist and murders in prison to go out and do more rapes, robberies and murders.

Business in New York City have told their people not to dress too well or wear anything expensive, gold or diamond bracelets, engagement rings, Rolex Watches, or any other valuables because they will be robbed on the street and the police or city government can do absolutely nothing to stop it. The LA police have confirmed that they have the same crime problem and similar inability to protest common citizens. This warning needs to be extended to all blue cities; they all have this same level of lawlessness. Violence and crime outside the door in these democrats run cities is so bad that people that live or even visit there are afraid that they are going to be the next crime statistic. See the case of Bob Lee.

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Even if all cities reported the statistics to the Gestapo you still would not be able to believe anything coming out of that cesspool of fascist pigs.

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They changed what a crime is, and people can steal x amount of dollars, and is not a crime legally, though still is a crime to most of us. The dumb and uninformed won't grasp this or are unaware of it.

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Speaking of snow jobs, here's a magic trick statement by Gov. Hocus-Pocus, in rolling out the latest bag check illusion. "People who are thinking about bringing a gun or a knife on the subway—at least this creates a deterrent effect. They might be thinking, You know what? It just may not be worth it because I listen to the mayor and I listen to the governor and they have a lot more people checking my bags," Hochul said. "That is what we hope will happen."

I'm sure Col. Nathan Jessup would respond with something like...Please tell me that you have something more, Governor. These subway crime victims almost lost their lives. Please tell me that Albany hasn't pinned its hopes to a smoke & mirrors bag check scheme.

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Great work Paul. The embedded video commentaries are a nice add.

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But But But that Citizen app says it’s down all over…. I looked at the 6Pct in Man South and they listed a total of 1024 crimes between Dec and Feb !!! Talk about a numbers game ….They must be tabulating only the larceny jobs at one CVS store… Down my ass!

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