"Collect all the evidence, not just that that matches your operating theory" is so important to conducting an honest investigation. Gather the facts first, then form opinions. The object is not to just make an arrest. The object is to make the proper arrest of the perpetrator. Some time that takes patience and a lot of investigative work. There are no shortcuts to good investigative work.

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Mr. Jewell is an American 🇺🇸 Hero. His due diligence saved lives. The FBI on the other hand played a major part in trying to destroy Jewell’s life. Jewell’s reputation was trashed because the FBI didn’t do their job properly. If my memory serves me, the fetal victim was a woman. Yes, Mr. Jewell died at a young age. 🙏💙🙏

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Part 2 the actual bomber later detonated a bomb at an abortion clinic in Birmingham. The bomber was caught dumpster diving in the woods of North Carolina. The abortion clinic bombing killed an off duty Police officer moonlighting as clinic security.

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Yes. The actual bomber was Eric Rudolph. He was apprehended by a rookie officer.

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The torment the media and the Feebs put Jewel through was criminal. They destroyed that young man's life. Scruggs got what was coming to her. She died either from an accidental OD or purposeful OD of morphine in 2001.

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